Approved projects using MedicineInsight data

This page is a publicly accessible register of all projects that have been approved by the independent NPS MedicineWise Data Governance Committee. Information in these project summaries have been copied directly from the data access application form submitted by applicants (internal and external) that were reviewed and approved by the Committee. 

Further information about each project can be obtained from applicants directly via the contact details listed in the below research summaries.

What type of data do approved projects receive?

All approved projects are provided with non-identifiable data (i.e. data that has undergone a process of de-identification prior to storage in MedicineInsight, and no longer falls within the definition of personal information) that is proportional to the aims and objectives of a project via a secure access mechanism.

Further information about the type of data available to applicants through the MedicineInsight program is available for review.

What projects does this page include?

This page only lists applications that have been approved by the Data Governance Committee. Applications that are not approved (for reasons below) are not listed.

Applications that are approved by the Committee must meet a robust criteria of assessment. Some of these conditions include the requirement for a project to: 

    • Have a risk profile of low and negligible risk.
    • Meet an acceptable secondary use purpose. For example, research, public health policy and strategy, health promotion, clinical decision support at the population level, supporting safety and quality of patient care, service delivery planning, quality and safety measurement and/or provider certification or accreditation.
    • Present a clear data sharing purpose of the project and description of data to be shared.
    • Include a statement of how the project will serve the public interest.
    • Include a statement of how appropriate consumer and clinical representation will be sought.
    • Disclose any conflicts of interest (including financial or non-financial).
    • Describe the final output of the project, including any plans to disseminate findings.
    • Detail the privacy and security arrangements that are in place to ensure data is used and stored in a safe and secure way with appropriate retention and disposal standards followed.

Applications that do not meet the criteria above or involve the below activities (considered by the RACGP to be excluded purposes of general practice data) are not approved by the Committee:

    • Commercial purposes not linked to the goal of improving patient care.
    • Certain forms of performance management.
    • Publicly benchmarking practices or individual health professionals.
    • Establishing pay-for-performance systems.
    • Revalidation or credentialing of health professionals.
    • Low-quality or unethical research.

Quality improvement in primary care projects

Socioeconomic and place-related factors and relation to prescription of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) medications in primary and secondary prevention of CVD

Organisation: The University of Sydney
Funding source: Westmead Applied Research Centre (WARC)

This project will assess the extent to which socioeconomic status of an area contributes to geographic disparity in prescription patterns for cardiovascular disease risk factors in GP practices around Australia, and will evaluate the relationship between the remoteness and socioeconomic index of an area (on prescription practices).

Phenotyping (Supplementing the clinical coding of patients utilising longitudinal data)

Organisation: University of Melbourne
Funding source: University of Melbourne

This project will utilise MedicineInsight data to evaluate the quality of electronic medical record data for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer and type 2 diabetes and through the analysis shall use longitudinal markers of care to supplement diagnostic coding where medical records are incomplete.

Use of psychotropic medicines in primary care patients aged 65 years or older

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Considerable variation in rates of antipsychotic and other psychotropic medicine use has been identified by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission). This suggests that these medicines may be being used inappropriately. However, the Commission’s analyses rely on PBS data which is unable to be linked to diagnoses or information about transitions of care. PBS data is also unable to provide information on whether these medicines are also being ordered as private prescriptions. MedicineInsight will be used to fill these information gaps.

Managing cholesterol in higher risk patients attending primary care

Organisation: Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
Funding Source: Amgen Australia

The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute will investigate trends in cholesterol levels in adult Australians attending General Practice over the last 5 years, examining trends in lipid levels, particularly LDL-cholesterol, and treatment patterns in higher risk patients attending primary care.

Iron deficiency MedicineInsight report and quality improvement activity for the WA Primary Health Alliance

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding Source:
 WA Primary Health Alliance

MedicineInsight data will be analysed to determine the prevalence, testing, diagnosis and management of iron deficiency in general practice, with the findings incorporated into an Educational Visit Workshop for health professionals in WA.

Risk factors for inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics in Australian general practices

Organisation: Curtin University
Funding source: WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA)

This program aims to identify predictors and outcomes as well as to explore the contexts for the inappropriate prescribing of systemic antibiotics in general practices. MedicineInsight data will be used to examine related factors associated with the inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics particularly for tract, ear, skin, urinary tract and eye infections. The data analysis looks to identify the direction, strength and nature of these associations. This program will inform policy and practice in primary care.

Monitoring and evaluation of the Heart Foundation’s Risk Reduction Program

Organisation: National Heart Foundation
Funding source: National Heart Foundation

This project aims to use MedicineInsight data to reduce the prevalence and impact of risk factors by increasing the number of Australians who have regular heart health checks to reduce their risk of heart disease.

Optimising quality of care among Australians with dementia

Organisation: University of Sydney
Funding source: National Health and Medical Research Council and University of Sydney

This project is using MedicineInsight dataset to investigate the diagnosis and prescribing patterns for dementia and the subtypes of dementia within Australian general practice.

Atrial fibrillation and its management and outcomes in Australian primary care

Recording of absolute CV risk using in-built calculators in GP clinical information systems

Organisation: National Heart Foundation
Funding source: National Heart Foundation

The National Heart Foundation is using MedicineInsight to inform the overall rate of absolute CVD risk recording (using the clinical information system (CIS) in-built CV risk calculators) in General Practice for people aged 45-75 years.

Hunter Alliance Diabetes Management project

Organisation: Hunter New England Local Health District
Funding source: Hunter Alliance Partners

The Diabetes Alliance program objective is to provide knowledge and support to primary care clinicians for them to give best evidenced care to patients with type 2 diabetes. MedicineInsight data will be used for assessing the management and potential improvements in clinical outcomes of patients with affected by this condition within practices. The results will help to improve the development of programs looking to better manage this chronic disease in the Hunter and New England region.

How well are people with coronary heart disease managed in primary care?

Organisation: La Trobe University
Funding source: Heart Foundation

This study examines how patients are managed in general practice according to clinical guidelines for coronary heart disease CHD, in particular differences in level of treatment and management within the patient cohort.

Publication: Lee CMY, Mnatzaganian G, Woodward M, Chow CK, Sitas F, Robinson S, Huxley R. Sex disparities in the management of coronary heart disease in general practices in Australia. Heart 2019;0:1–7.

Monitoring and evaluation of the Heart Foundation’s Risk Reduction Program

Organisation: National Heart Foundation
Funding source: National Heart Foundation

This project aims to use MedicineInsight data to reduce the prevalence and impact of risk factors by increasing the number of Australians who have regular heart health checks to reduce their risk of heart disease.

Recording of absolute CV risk using in-built calculators in GP clinical information systems

Organisation: National Heart Foundation
Funding source: National Heart Foundation

The National Heart Foundation is using MedicineInsight to inform the overall rate of absolute CVD risk recording (using the clinical information system (CIS) in-built CV risk calculators) in General Practice for people aged 45–75 years.

Quality Use of Medicines for people living with HIV

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Gilead Sciences Australia and New Zealand

The aim of the project is to build and deliver a quality improvement intervention for the general practices and sexual health clinics in Australia that treat a significant proportion of people living with HIV, to highlight and address the identified gaps in care for those patient.

Publication:  Heron JE, Norman SM , Yoo J, Lembke K, O'Connor CC, Weston CE, Gracey DM, The prevalence and risk of non-infectious comorbidities in HIV-infected and non-HIV infected men attending general practice in Australia

Conference poster

Date published : 9 June 2019

Respiratory infection vaccination and antibiotic prescribing in Australian primary care

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: NPS MedicineWise

The aim of this study is to determine whether vaccination against respiratory infections is associated with a subsequent reduction in antibiotic prescribing.

This study plans to investigate the relationship between vaccination for respiratory infections and antibiotic prescribing for patients attending primary care in Australian general practice using MedicineInsight data.

A cluster randomised controlled trial of a MedicineInsight educational quality improvement program to improve the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis c in general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Gilead Sciences Pty Ltd

This project will deliver medical education as a quality improvement intervention to 200 general practices (most of whom participate in MedicineInsight) to support general practitioners in managing their Chronic Hepatitis C patients.

Influenza vaccine research feasibility assessment

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: CSL (Seqirus)

The purpose of this project is to explore the feasibility of using MedicineInsight data to conduct research evaluating 2018 influenza vaccines for primary care patients aged 65 years and older. Research areas of interest include the safety and effectiveness of vaccines used in this age group, and the comparative effectiveness of the two vaccines provided through the National Immunisation Program.

Evaluation of targeted hepatitis C virus education

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Gilead Sciences Australia and New Zealand

The aim of this project is to evaluate a 2017 quality improvement intervention for general practices and sexual health clinics that treat patients with hepatitis C.

A pharmaco-epidemiological study of osteoporosis management in Australian general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Theramex

The aim of this project is to determine the prevalence and patterns of osteoporosis treatment pathways and treatment-associated outcomes. The analysis of MedicineInsight is part of a broader project which will also recruit GPs with high numbers of cases of osteoporosis patients for interview on reasons for treatment pathways.

Project summary: A pharmaco-epidemiological study of osteoporosis management in Australian general practice

Publication: Naik-Panvelkar P, Norman S, Elgebaly Z, Elliott J, Pollack A, Thistlethwaite J, Weston C & Seibel MJ. Osteoporosis management in Australian general practice: an analysis of current osteoporosis treatment patterns and gaps in practice

Iron deficiency and associated conditions in Australian general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Vifor Pharma

MedicineInsight will be studied to understand the diagnosis and management of iron deficiency, and characterisation of patients with iron deficiency. It is anticipated that the results of this study may form the basis for future research and potentially inform the development of educational interventions aimed at improving outcomes for patients.

Project summary: Iron deficiency and associated conditions in Australian general practice

Lung cancer management in primary care: Feasibility project

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Cancer Institute New South Wales (CINSW)

This program aims to test the feasibility of using MedicineInsight data to gain insights into the primary care provided to patients diagnosed with lung cancer since the time of their first recorded diagnosis. The data analysis will assist the Cancer Institute New South Wales (CINSW) to better understand the impact of lung cancer on general practices and improve development and evaluation in this field, with primary health care.

Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia (AURA) - 2017 report

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

The Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia (AURA) Surveillance System objective is to prevent and contain the risk of antimicrobial resistance for human health. This program reports on the use and appropriate prescription of antimicrobials in hospitals, aged care homes and the community. MedicineInsight data is used for the generation of the AURA 2017 report that is available on the link below on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care webpage.

Publication: AURA 2017 report

Hepatitis C educational and quality improvement program for general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Gilead Sciences Australia and New Zealand

NPS MedicineWise is undertaking a project in general practice to support general practitioners in the diagnosis and management of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. The project will focus on the appropriate use of medical tests and medicines, and a quality improvement program designed and developed as a result of the analysis from the MedicineInsight data will be delivered to about 100 general practices across Australia.

Publication: Chidwick K, Kiss D, Gray R, Yoo J, Aufgang M, Zekry A. Insights into the management of chronic hepatitis C in primary care using MedicineInsight. Aust J Gen Pract 2018;47:639-45

Preventive cardio-metabolic health care in general practice for people living with HIV compared with the general population

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Gilead Sciences Australia and New Zealand

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an important health problem in Australia. People living with HIV have higher risks of developing cardiovascular disease. NPS MedicineWise is aiming to use MedicineInsight data to compare and identify gaps in the management of cardiovascular risk factors of people living with HIV. The results of the analysis will be used to develop an educational program for selected general practices treating people with HIV. Outcomes of the project will be made public on the NPS MedicineWise website.

MedicineInsight expansion in the Hunter New England Central Coast

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: NIB Health Funds

The project is designed to improve the care of people in the community of the Hunter New England Central Coast PHN area by providing MedicineInsight program products and services to additional general practices which serve these communities. The expansion of MedicineInsight in these communities is funded by an independent grant from NIB Health Funds. MedicineInsight data will also be used to generate an annual report to identify improvements in clinical markets for the patient cohort. Copies of those reports will be published on our website.

Identifying factors and subpopulations associated with high use and high cost of services in general practice. A feasibility study

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project uses MedicineInsight data to determine which demographic factors and comorbidities are associated with high service use and high service costs in the general practice setting. The outputs of the data analysis will generate a report that will be used by NPS MedicineWise and the Menzies Centre for Health Policy to develop a simulation model to identify the impact of interventions to reduce low value care.

The impact of My Health Record use in primary care: Qualitative study

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Digital Health Agency

This project uses MedicineInsight data to explore the use of the My Health Record in relation to medication management, in particular by determining high users of the My Health Record in NSW and Victoria, to recruit general practitioners and consumers to conduct in-depth interviews. The outcome of this study will also help inform other studies focusing on the impact of My Health Record in primary care.

Osteoporosis feasibility assessment

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Amgen

This project uses MedicineInsight data to better understand the prevalence and management of osteoporosis in general practice. The outputs of the data analysis will be used to inform future education interventions and practice reports delivered independently by NPS MedicineWise.

Optimising early end-of-life conversations and advance care planning in general practice (Stage 1)

Organisation: Simpson Centre for Health Services Research
Funding source: HCF Research Foundation

This project is investigating the feasibility of using MedicineInsight data to test indicators for patients near end of life, and if this data can be used to identify points for future intervention to improve advanced care planning in general practice.

The impact of My Health Record use in primary care: Quantitative study

Organisation: University of Melbourne
Funding source: Australian Digital Health Agency

This project is a continuation of the qualitative study undertaken by NPS MedicineWise, to explore the use of the My Health Record in relation to whether having a My Health Record reduces duplication of tests and prescriptions for people concurrently attending multiple practices, and the measurement of the proportion of allergy and adverse drug reactions captured in the practice clinical information system and the My Health Record.

Closing the gap on Indigenous cardiovascular health: Improving community outcomes through policy relevant research

Organisation: University of Melbourne
Funding source: Melbourne Academic Centre for Health

This collaborative project is the largest study of cardiovascular risk and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people receiving care in Victorian general practice. The study aims to determine how variations in cardiovascular disease risk, events and treatment influences Australian Indigenous and non-Indigenous health outcomes.

Linkage of hospital and primary care data to drive improvements in cancer care

Organisation: University of Melbourne
Funding source: Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) and Bupa Foundation

This project is the first large-scale, comprehensive data linkage of primary care and hospital data for cancer patients to create a platform for health services and other cancer research. Hospital clinical, clinical registry, administrative and costing data from 7 VCCC partner hospitals will be linked with Victorian Cancer Registry data. This linkage will allow identification of patients who have had a diagnosis of cancer within the hospital data. The cancer cohort will then be linked to primary care data (MedicineInsight) as well as patient-reported outcomes survey data collected by the VCCC.

Publication: Ristanioski G, Emery J, Martinez Gutierrez J, McCarthy D. Primary Care Datasets for Early Lung Cancer Detection: An AI Led Approach

Cardiac outcomes linked data project


Department of Health (Victoria)

Primary Investigator & Position

Kate Riley Sandler. Manager Linked Data Projects Victorian Agency for Health Information, Department of Health

Funding Source

Australian Government Department of Health

Project funding was made available through the Health Innovation Fund, via negotiations as part of the National Health Reform Agreement 2020–2025, resulting in the Federation Funding Agreement on Prevention of Avoidable Hospital Admissions, Obesity and Chronic Disease


This project will draw on a newly created linked primary and acute care data asset – with MedicineInsight providing the primary care/GP data within the asset – to illuminate the patient journey of care within the Victorian health system, to routinely identify patients with CVD at high risk of hospitalisation and to define patterns of care associated with poorer health outcomes. The project also aims to use the linked data asset to develop predictive algorithms to assist GPs improve their ability to identify patients at risk of hospitalisation within their practices, so they can provide early targeted care interventions

Ethics Committee

Department of Health Human Research Ethics Committee (DH HREC)

Data Linkage Study


Held by the Department of Health (Vic):

• Victorian Admitted Episodes Dataset (VAED)

• Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD)

• Victorian Integrated Non-Admitted Health Dataset (VINAH)

• Elective Surgery Information System (ESIS)

• Victorian Cost Data Collection (VCDC)

• Victorian Ambulance Minimum Dataset (VADS)

• Victorian Death Index

• Cause of Death Unit Record File (ICD-10 coded cause of death)

• Community Health Services

• Mental Health Community Support Services

• Alcohol and Drugs Services

Committee Assessment

Conditionally Approved – 13 October 2021





Breathlessness in Australia: Burden, Risk Factors, Causes, Patterns of Care, Outcomes and Cost Optimization Potential


The George Institute for Global Health

Primary Investigator & Position

Christine Jenkins, Head, Respiratory Group, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney

Funding Source

The George Institute for Global Health and UNSW Sydney


This study aims to understand the current burden of breathlessness in Australia as well as its risk factors and causes. The study also aims to understand current patterns of care, patient presentations, investigations and outcomes to inform the development of a clinical algorithm for breathlessness. This body of work aims to drive improvements in care, better patient outcomes and cost optimization for diagnosing and managing breathlessness in primary care.

Ethics Committee

Human Research Ethics Committee UNSW Sydney

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 7 October 2020. Amendment approved June 2022


Amended to facilitate provision of denominator tabular data


Short-term health care impacts of the older person’s health assessment


University of Newcastle

Primary Investigator & Position

Mariko Carey, NHMRC Fellow

Funding Source

Dementia Team Grant funded by National Health and Medical Research Council


This project will use NPS MedicineInsight data to develop two subsamples: one group with a diagnosis of dementia and the other without. Within each subsample, people who have had a health assessment will be matched on the basis of clinical, demographic and prior health care use with people who have had a primary care attendance at a similar time. This will allow comparison of subsequent primary health care use for a) people with dementia who have and have not had a health assessment and b) people without dementia who have and have not had a health assessment.

Ethics Committee

University of Newcastle Human Research Ethics Committee

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 8 December 2021





Understanding the health care of adults with cerebral palsy


Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

Primary Investigator & Position

Dinah Reddihough, Paediatrician, Royal Children’s Hospital; Honorary Professorial Fellow, The University of Melbourne; Senior Research Fellow, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

Funding Source

NHMRC – grant


Our aim is to improve the health and well-being of people with cerebral palsy by understanding health service use in this population (item numbers and frequency of attendance), medications prescribed and investigations ordered, compared to a matched control group of individuals without cerebral palsy.

Ethics Committee

Royal Children’s Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 10 February 2021





Assessing patterns of cardiovascular risk management in people with chronic kidney disease


The George Institute for Global Health, Australia

Primary Investigator & Position

Min Jun, Project Leader

Funding Source

The George Institute for Global Health, Australia


This research project will help us to better understand current patterns of CV risk management in CKD in Australian primary care. This will help to highlight potential gaps in CKD care and enable the development of effective and sustainable quality improvement strategies aimed at improving outcomes in people with CKD.

Ethics Committee

Sydney Local Health District (SLHD) RPA Zone Research Ethics and Governance Office

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 9 April 2020, 1st Amendment approved 11 August 2021, 2ns Amendment approved June 2022


Amendment 1 – expand patient cohort
Amendment 2 – add new researchers


(Pre-print): Jun M, Wick J, Neuen BL, Kotwal S, Badve SV, Woodward M, Chalmers J, Peiris D, Rodgers A, Nallaiah K, Jardine MJ, Perkovic V, Gallagher M, Ronksley PE The prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Australian primary care: analysis of a national general practice dataset 

(Pre-print): Neuen BL, Jun M, Wick J, Kotwal S, Badve SV, Jardine MJ, Gallagher M, Chalmers J, Nallaiah K, Perkovic V, Peiris D, Rodgers A, Woodward M, Ronksley PE Estimating the population-level kidney benefits of improved uptake of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with chronic kidney disease in Australian primary care


Quality use of medicines and tests projects

Antidepressant utilisation in young people (< 25 years) attending general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project will provide descriptive information on the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of younger patients prescribed antidepressant medicines, including indications for use. It will also describe the prevalence of mental health conditions among young people and trends in the prevalence of these conditions, suicide and antidepressant use over 10 years.

Characterization of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) treated with single-inhaler triple therapy (SITT) or multiple-inhaler triple therapy (MITT) in Australia, using MedicineInsight and PBS data

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)

This study aimed to provide evidence of real-world use of Trelegy Ellipta (once-daily single inhaler, fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium/vilanterol (FF/UMEC/VI) 100/62.5/25 mcg) in Australia post-PBS listing, and compare this with new users of multiple-inhaler triple therapy (MITT) in Australia post-approval of Trelegy.

Summary of GSK COPD project

Date published : 28 January 2021

Sexual Health Check – 12-month Snapshot

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This study aims to determine the number and geographical variation in requests for sexual health tests in general practice for syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhoea.

Economic Evaluation of the 2015 NPS MedicineWise Blood Pressure Program

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: NPS MedicineWise

This economic evaluation will investigate the effectiveness of the 2015 “Blood Pressure: Measure, Manage and Monitor” program in meeting its objectives and subsequently compare these measures of effectiveness to the costs of delivering the program. To assess the effectiveness of the program, the project will examine changes to prescribing behaviours at the population level through analysis of aggregated PBS data and changes to prescribing behaviours and clinical management of hypertension at the patient-level through analysis of patient-level data from MedicineInsight.

Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin – prescribing patterns before and since COVID-19

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This report will describe the prescribing patterns of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin occurring in Australian general practice during COVID-19, with a focus on prescribing outside of guidelines to patients without an approved indication for therapy. MedicineInsight is also uniquely placed to provide information about the extent of private prescribing. These analyses will be used to inform NPS MedicineWise, the Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA) and the COVID-19 Taskforce (Observation Data Working Group).

Faecal Occult Blood Tests (FOBTs) ordered by GPs for people aged 50-74 years in the general practice setting

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This report is to describe the ordering of FOBT in general practice by analysing the records of the cohort of patients in the MedicineInsight general practice program who have a record of FOBT. The findings from this report will be used by the Bowel Screening Section of the Department of Health and Bowel Cancer Australia to help inform potential strategies to increase participation in the National NBCSP.

Publication: Pollack A, Busingye D ,Thistlethwaite J , Blogg S and Chidwick K. Characteristics of patients aged 50–74 years with a request for an immunochemical faecal occult blood test in the Australian general practice setting

Epidemiology of psychotropic and opioid prescription in Australian general practice

Prevalence and determinants of antibiotic use for infectious gastroenteritis in Australian general practice

Organisation: University of NSW
Funding source: University of NSW

This project will investigate risk factors in general practice for antibiotic prescribing and inappropriate prescribing with the appropriateness of antibiotic prescriptions based on Australian therapeutic guidelines for acute infectious gastroenteritis. Specifically there will be a focus on prescriptions not consistent with clinical guidelines, and potential risk factors for inappropriate or unnecessary prescribing.

Evaluation of NPS MedicineWise “Reducing Antibiotic Resistance” program and associated time series analysis of antibiotic prescribing.

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding Source: NPS MedicineWise

This project aims to determine whether antibiotic prescribing reduced over the course of the “Reducing Antibiotic Resistance” from 2012 to 2017 using the MedicineInsight dataset, by investigating the prescribing patterns over time for antibiotics.

Publication: Gianacas C, Muscatello D, Blogg S, Kirk M, McIntyre P, Cheng A, Liu B. Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination in Reducing Subsequent Antibiotic Prescribing in Young Children Attending Australian General Practices—A Case-Control Study

Quality use of medicines for women’s reproductive health

Organisation: University of Adelaide
Funding source: Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide

This research project is looking at real-world utilisation of medications for women’s reproductive health.

Medication changes in high risk patients with hyperkalaemia in general practice using MedicineInsight data

Organisation: The George Institute for Global Health
Funding source: AstraZeneca

This project uses MedicineInsight data to characterise and assess medication changes in high-risk patients who experience hyperkalaemia in primary care. The outputs of this project will inform an evidence-based submission to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) by the funder who is also the sponsor for a new potassium-binding medicine for the treatment of hyperkalaemia in adults.

Publication: Jun M, Jardine MJ, Perkovic V, Pilard Q, Billot L, Rodgers A, et al. (2019) Hyperkalemia and renin-angiotensin aldosterone system inhibitor therapy in chronic kidney disease: A general practice-based, observational study. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213192.

A pharmaco-epidemiological study of opiate prescribing in Australian general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding: Therapeutic Goods Administration 

The purpose of this report is to describe the pharmaco-epidemiological profile of opiate prescribing in Australian general practice. This study will explore MedicineInsight data to describe trends in the volume of opiate prescribing, the characteristics of the patients prescribed opioids, the conditions for which they are being used and the nature of the medicines which are co-prescribed.

Publication: Busingye D, Daniels B, Brett J, Pollack A, Belcher J, Chidwick K and Blogg S. Patterns of real-world opioid prescribing in Australian general practice (2013–18)

Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia (AURA) - 2019 report

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

The Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia (AURA) Surveillance System objective is to prevent and contain the risk of antimicrobial resistance for human health. This program reports on the use and appropriate prescription of antimicrobials in hospitals, aged care homes and the community. MedicineInsight data is used for the generation of the AURA 2019 report that will be made available on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care webpage.

Publication: AURA 2019 report

Management of Crohn’s disease in Australian general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Emerge Health

This project used MedicineInsight data to generate a report on the prevalence and pharmaceutical treatment of Crohn’s disease.

The report will be submitted by the funder, as the sponsor of budesonide oral, a medicine used to treat Crohn’s disease, to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) to provide evidence- based information about the medicine to support PBAC decision making.

A pharmaco-epidemiological study of Pregabalin in Australian general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Therapeutic Goods Administration

This study describes the pharmaco-epidemiological profile of Pregabalin prescribing in Australian general practice. The results of this study are intended to guide the assessment of safe use of Pregabalin in general practice by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

Publication: Schaffer AL, Busingye D, Chidwick K, Brett J and Blogg S. Pregabalin prescribing patterns in Australian general practice, 2012–2018: a cross-sectional study

Can MedicineInsight support risk management plan evaluation?

Organisation: University of South Australia
Funding source: University of South Australia

This project aims to analyse MedicineInsight data on the use of sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors for diabetes. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) requires post-market monitoring as part of risk management plans for therapeutic goods that are available in the market. The post-market report generated using MedicineInsight data will help to demonstrate the feasibility of using this data for the purpose of medication safety regulations in Australia.

Publication: Gadzhanova S, Pratt N, Roughead E. Use of SGLT2 inhibitors for diabetes and risk of infection: Analysis using general practice records from the NPS MedicineWise MedicineInsight program. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2017;130:180-185.

Publication: Gadzhanova S, Pratt N, Roughead E. Comparison of General Practice and Pharmaceutical Dispensing Data for Pharmacoepidemiological Research: Assessing the Risk of Urinary-Tract Infections with Sodium Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors for Diabetes 

Assessing the management of renal toxicity in primary care associated with Stribild™

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Gilead Sciences Australia and New Zealand

This project uses MedicineInsight data to assess if Highly Specialised Drugs (s100) prescribers of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) medicines are managing appropriately the renal toxicity risks associated with Stribild™. The use of MedicineInsight data will provide evidence of the utility of the data to support risk management plans and help to develop strategies to support safety of new pharmaceutical products.

Finding improved pathways to diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) disorders

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Sanofi Genzyme and BioMarin Pharmaceutical Australia

The objective of this project is to analyse MedicineInsight data to determine if there are any patterns in mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) disorders cases that may facilitate an earlier diagnosis of these disorders. The MedicineInsight data analysis was used to provide a preliminary report identifying data potential and limitations for this purpose.

Project outcome report: Feasibility study to find improved pathways to diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses.

Review of vitamin D, B12 and folate use pre- and post-November 2014

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project uses MedicineInsight data to support discussions around the current appropriateness of requesting vitamin D, vitamin B12 and folate testing in Australia. The analysis of MedicineInsight data will provide a better understanding of the impact of the new Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) policy changes for these tests that included restricting use of these tests in certain populations, and subsidy reduction.

Pneumococcal immunisation over 65 years

Organisation: University of Adelaide
Funding source: University of Adelaide

The aim of this study is to better understand who receives the pneumococcal vaccine in Australian general practice. MedicineInsight data will be used to provide a comprehensive longitudinal view of the care patients received.

PublicationFrank O, Bernardo CDO, González-Chica D, Macartney K, Menzies R, Stocks N. Pneumococcal vaccination uptake among patients aged 65 years or over in Australian general practice

The prevalence of chronic musculoskeletal/ pain conditions in Australian in general practice and their association with vitamin D testing, vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D prescribing, analgesic prescribing and patient sociodemographic characteristics

Organisation: University of Adelaide
Funding source: University of Adelaide

This project is looking at investigating chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain (CNMP) and the role of vitamin D testing and supplementation in its management. This project uses MedicineInsight data to explore the estimates of the prevalence of musculoskeletal/ pain conditions in Australia, describe associations with patient characteristics, Vitamin D testing/ supplementation and determine if changes to Medicare rebates affected Vitamin D testing in Australian general practice. The results of the project have the potential to improve practice and contribute to clinicians, policy makers and consumers.

Publication: González-Chica D, Vanlint S, Hoon E, Stocks N. Epidemiology of arthritis, chronic back pain, gout, osteoporosis, spondyloarthropathies and rheumatoid arthritis among 1.5 million patients in Australian general practice: NPS MedicineWise MedicineInsight dataset. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2018;19:20.

Publication: Gonzalez-Chica D, Stocks N Changes to the frequency and appropriateness of vitamin D testing after the introduction of new Medicare criteria for rebates in Australian general practice: evidence from 1.5 million patients in the NPS MedicineInsight database BMJ Open 2019;9:e024797.

Prevalence and determinants of antibiotic use in Australian general practice

Organisation: University of New South Wales
Funding source: University of New South Wales

Using MedicineInsight data, PhD students and their research supervisors at UNSW are investigating antibiotic prescribing risk factors in general practice. They are assessing the incidence and prevalence of antibiotic prescriptions based on the Australian therapeutic guidelines for antibiotics.

Treatment of patients with hepatitis C virus infection with direct acting anti-viral (DAA) in Australian general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

These analyses will be used to inform the Department of Health and will explore MedicineInsight data to understand how DAAs are used in general practice and to describe any changes in prescribing patterns in the four month period following PBS listing of DAAs and in the years since the listing. This report will also explore the levels of pre-treatment assessments performed in primary care, including HCV viral load and genotype testing as PBS data does not include information that would enable this analysis. Finally, we will assess the feasibility of identifying patients who achieve sustained virologic response (ie, cure) after treatment with DAAs using data from MedicineInsight.

Publication: Busingye D, Chidwick K, Simpson V, Dartnell J, Dore GJ, Balcomb A, Blogg S. The changing characteristics of patients with chronic hepatitis C prescribed direct acting antiviral medicines in general practice since listing of the medicines on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

Osteoarthritis in General Practice

Organisation: University of Melbourne
Funding source: RACGP HCF Research Foundation Grant

The aim of this project is to understand the management of osteoarthritis in Australian general practice. Various investigative aspects include the incidence and prevalence of osteoarthritis and the medications prescribed for the condition.

Assessing appropriateness of pathology testing in primary care- an exploratory study in older patients with type 2 diabetes

Organisation: University of Sydney
Funding source: Sydney Medical School, Kickstart Grant

This project is using MedicineInsight data to investigate the frequency and trends of pathology testing for older patients with type 2 diabetes in Australian general practice.

Quality use of medicines in chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Organisation: University of Tasmania
Funding source: University of Tasmania

The aim of this project is to assess the quality use of medicines in patient with CKD. The results of the MedicineInsight data analysis will help to inform discussions regarding the safe and effective prescribing of medications in patients with renal impairment.

Publication: Radford J, Castelino RL, Jose MD, et al. Chronic kidney disease in Australian general practice: its prevalence, and associated patient characteristics and comorbidities, Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting, Darwin, Australia, 4-6 September 2017, [Conference extract].

Publication: Radford, J and Kitsos, A and Stankovich, J and Castelino, R and Khanam, M and Jose, M and Peterson, G and Saunder, T and Wimmer, B and Razi Zaidi, T, Epidemiology of chronic kidney disease in Australian general practice: National Prescribing Service MedicineWise MedicineInsight dataset, Nephrology pp. 1-9. (2018) [Refereed Article]

Publication: Khanam MA, Kitsos A, Stankovich J, Castelino R, Jose M, Kinsman L, Peterson G, Wimmer B, Zaidi STR, Radford J. Chronic kidney disease monitoring in Australian general practice. Aust J Gen Pract 2019; 48(3): 132-137.

Publication: Kitsos, A., Peterson, G. M., Jose, M. D., Khanam, M. A., Castelino, R. L., & Radford, J. C. (2019). Variation in Documenting Diagnosable Chronic Kidney Disease in General Medical Practice: Implications for Quality Improvement and Research. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health.

Article: Khanam MA , Kitsos A Stankovich J, Castelino R Jose M Peterson GM Wimmer B Zaidi STR Radford J, Association of continuity of care with blood pressure control in patients with chronic kidney disease and hypertension, AJGP

Publication: Bezabhe, W.M.; Kitsos, A.; Saunder, T.; Peterson, G.M.; Bereznicki , L.R.; Wimmer, B.C.; Jose, M.; Radford, J. Medication Prescribing Quality in Australian Primary Care Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. J. Clin. Med. 2020, 9, 783.

A descriptive study on the utilisation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) against HIV in the Australian general practice setting, using data routinely collected as part of the MedicineInsight program


NPS MedicineWise

Primary Investigator & Position

Kendal Chidwick, Epidemiology Lead, MedicineInsight Research

Funding Source

Department of Health


HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) first became available through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) on April 1st 2018. When PrEP (tenofovir with emtricitabine) was recommended for PBS listing, it was uncertain how it would be used in practice. The Product Information recommended that PrEP should be administered as once daily dosing, however intermittent and episodic dosing was being trialled at the time. The PBAC also raised a quality use of medicines (QUM) concern of an increase in risky (condomless) sex associated with PrEP use. The outcomes of this study on the utilisation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) against HIV in the Australian general practice setting will be used to inform the Office of Health Technology Assessment branch and ultimately the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) at the Department of Health.

The use of MedicineInsight data will be used to provide information on clinical practice with PrEP prescribing in Australian General Practice – this may allow us to address any clinical practice gaps, particularly with regards to monitoring, and to provide feedback to the PBAC, and in the ongoing development and refinement of PrEP guidelines for use.

MedicineInsight data will be used to provide estimates on use of PrEP, using prescription data, pathology test results and requests for these patients for STIs and appropriate monitoring, and to provide information on the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of patients who receive these treatments.

Ethics Committee


Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment





Chidwick K, Pollack A, Busingye D, Norman S, Grulich A, Bavinton B, Guy R and Medland N Utilisation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention in the Australian general practice setting: a longitudinal observational study

Characteristics of patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in MedicineInsight

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding Source: NPS MedicineWise

The aim of this study was to explore medicines use (with a particular interest in non-disease modifying agents), medical testing, risk factors and co-morbidities among patients with RA visiting MedicineInsight practices. It also investigated prescribing around the time of the first recorded diagnosis.

Characteristics of primary care patients recorded as having rheumatoid arthritis using MedicineInsight general practice data. Sydney: NPS MedicineWise 2022.


Population health and public policy projects

Enhancing Chronic Disease Screening for the Australian Population

Organisation: Australian National University
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project will use NPS MedicineWise MedicineInsight data to ensure that updated absolute CVD risk algorithm and treatment guidelines are applicable for Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and develop strategies to support high coverage of chronic disease risk assessment and follow-up.

MedicineInsight Quarterly DoH report – Severe mental illness and physical health

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project will describe and compare the cohort of patients with severe mental illness to the general patient population without severe mental illness in terms of long-term health conditions, smoking and alcohol use.

Publication: Belcher J, Myton R, Yoo J, Boville C & Chidwick K. Exploring the physical health of patients with severe or long-term mental illness using routinely collected general practice data from MedicineInsight

HbA1c testing in MedicineInsight patients newly diagnosed, or with a history of diabetes

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

The aim of this study is to provide information on:

  • average general practice visits per year among patients with a recorded diagnosis of diabetes (all types).
  • the type and number of selected comorbidities commonly associated with diabetes (all types)
  • HbA1c testing undertaken in people with type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes
  • HbA1c testing performed around the period of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
  • other relevant tests undertaken in people with type 2 diabetes (defined as urine ACR, eGFR and lipids testing)
  • HbA1c and OGTT test requests in women with gestational diabetes.

A cross-sectional description of the types and frequency of medical tests commonly requested by GPs during care of patients with selected chronic conditions or women who are pregnant

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

The purpose of this report is to describe the most common types of testing requested:

  • over a two-year period among patients with:
    • chronic kidney disease (CKD)
    • type 2 diabetes
    • diagnosed coeliac disease
    • or another selected chronic condition (as determined by the Department)
  • 3 months prior to pregnancy and during pregnancy.

Vaccination coverage in the Australian general practice setting, using MedicineInsight data

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding Source: Pfizer

This project’s primary aim is to describe the overall annual vaccination coverage among people aged 10 years or older from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019, stratified by sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, and vaccine funding status.

Publication: De Oliveira Costa, J, Gianacas, C, Beard F, Gonzalez-Chica D, Chidwick K, Osman R, MacIntyre CR, Havard A

Validation of the MedicineInsight dataset: The accuracy of algorithms for identifying five serious health outcomes / adverse events in the MedicineInsight general practice database compared with hospital data and cause of death data in Australia

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This study will focus on validating five serious health outcomes in MedicineInsight, identified through consultation with the TGA as important potential adverse events requiring post-market monitoring and which are most likely to present to secondary care. We will compare the MedicineInsight algorithms for identifying myocardial infarction, stroke, venous thromboembolism, pancreatitis and suicide with information available in linked hospital admissions data and cause of death data from the death registry.

Publication: Havard A, Manski-Nankervis J, Thistlethwaite J, Daniels B, Myton R, Tu K, Chidwick K

Changes to preventative care, chronic disease monitoring, diagnosis and management activities in Australian general practice as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic

Organisation: University of Adelaide
Funding source: University of Adelaide

This project aims to explore what changes in preventative care, chronic disease monitoring, diagnosis and management activities have occurred in Australian general practice as a consequence of social distancing, telehealth and the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically explored will be changes in:

  1. screening for cancer (e.g. cervical cancer and colorectal cancer)
  2. chronic disease management, with a focus on hypertension and diabetes (i.e. frequency of consultations, blood pressure and diabetes screening/diagnosis)
  3. frequency of mental health issues (e.g. diagnosis of anxiety or insomnia/sleep problems) and
  4. diagnosis and management of infectious respiratory diseases (e.g. influenza and influenza-like illness).

Publication: Roseleur J, Gonzalez-Chica D, Emery J, Stocks N. Skin checks and skin cancer diagnosis in Australian general practice before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2011–2020. Br J Dermatol 2021;185: 853-5.

Trends in Dementia Diagnosis and Medication Use in Australian General Practice

Organisation: University of Tasmania
Funding source: University of Tasmania

This project aims to investigate the overall prevalence of diagnosed/documented dementia in general practice patients across Australia, while also observing patterns in prescribing of antidementia drugs and potentially inappropriate medication (e.g. psychotropic drugs, anticholinergic agents).

Publication: Bezabhe WM, Radford J, Salahudeen MS, Bindoff I, Ling T, Gee P, Wimmer BC, Peterson GM Ten-Year Trends in Psychotropic Prescribing and Polypharmacy in Australian General Practice Patients with and without Dementia

AURA 2021: Fourth Australian report on antimicrobial use and resistance in human health

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC)

The aim of the AURA surveillance system is to provide a comprehensive picture of antimicrobial use, resistance and the appropriateness of prescribing in Australia, across all healthcare settings. It incorporates data from a range of data sources and supports the implementation of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and the National Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Strategy –2020 and Beyond, to prevent and contain AMR. This data is used to inform the development of guidance and resources to support prevention and containment of AMR, along with data to support clinical decision-making.

Use of MedicineInsight to inform the DoH Future of Pathology

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project aims to explore whether there are observable differences in the timeliness of pathology services across different regions of Australia, whether any variation in timeliness is the result of delays between the time of requesting the tests and collection of the test specimen or delays between test collection and receipt of results. It will also explore variations in the number of tests requested per patient across Australia; and variations in the combinations of test requested per patient across Australia

Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in the Australian general practice population: a cross-sectional study

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: NPS MedicineWise

The aims of this study are to

  1. estimate the prevalence of IBD (including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and unspecified IBD) as well as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis separately.
  2. assess the sociodemographic and environmental factors associated with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Publication: Busingye D , Pollack A, Chidwick K. Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in the Australian general practice population: A cross-sectional study

Utilisation of denosumab and other medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis in general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This study will describe the prevalence of osteoporosis in general practice, assess the potential level of underdiagnosis and undertreatment , and review the utilisation of medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis including an assessment of patterns of denosumab use.

Publication: Denosumab for osteoporosis, October 2020

Clinical review, testing and management of renally cleared medicines among MedicineInsight patients with CKD in 2018–2019

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source
: Australian Government Department of Health

This project will explore information on the appropriateness of clinical review and pathology testing among people with CKD, categorised according to CKD stage and diabetes status, information on the sociodemographics and common comorbidities seen in people with CKD, and on the use of medicines and inappropriately high doses of renally cleared medicines

Exploration of sociodemographics, co-morbidities and medicines in MedicineInsight patients with heart failure (2018–2019)

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: NPS MedicineWise

The aim of this study is to explore the patient prevalence of heart failure among regularly attending MedicineInsight patients aged 50 years and above, both nationally and by PHN, and describe the sociodemographics, comorbidities, and medicines use of MedicineInsight patients with diagnosed heart failure.

Validation of the MedicineInsight dataset: completeness and generalisability

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This study aims to describe the completeness of a series of key indicators related to patient demographics, patient risk factors, condition recording, prescriptions, immunisations, pathology test results and billing data over time. It will document the representativeness of observations from the MedicineInsight dataset by comparing observed age, sex, socioeconomic status, geographical location and remoteness of patients in the MedicineInsight dataset with Australian national estimates, document the plausibility of observations from MedicineInsight by comparing observed chronic condition prevalence, medication utilisation and deaths with Australian national estimates, and assess the level of duplicate patients existing within the MedicineInsight data in a given year.

Validation of the MedicineInsight dataset: accuracy of diagnostic algorithms and the extraction and transformation of demographic, risk factor, medical history, prescription, and test information from the clinical information systems into the MedicineInsight Data Warehouse

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source
: Australian Government Department of Health

This study aims to measure the accuracy of condition flags (i.e. MedicineInsight variables that indicate whether patients have the condition of interest) for two serious health outcomes, compared with a review of electronic health records held in the CIS. It will also compare the accuracy of the MedicineInsight condition flags when based on 1) coded diagnosis/medical history only; 2) coded and free text diagnosis/medical history only; 3) coded and free text diagnosis/medical history, reason for encounter and reason for prescription, and measure how accurately the two MedicineInsight extraction tools extract data from the two GP clinical information systems (which is then processed in the Data Warehouse) on patient demographics, risk factors, past medical history, medications and pathology tests, compared to the original data available within the CIS.

Publication: Daniels B. Havard A. Myton R. Lee C and Chidwick K “Evaluating the accuracy of data extracted from electronic health records into MedicineInsight, a national Australian general practice database”

Validation of the MedicineInsight dataset: The accuracy of date of death recording in the MedicineInsight general practice database compared with the National Death Index in Australia

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

The proposed study aims to estimate the annual mortality rate for regularly attending MedicineInsight patients and compare this with the published mortality rates from the AIHW, and measure the accuracy of the MedicineInsight deceased indicator (i.e. derived MedicineInsight variable that indicates whether patients have a record of death) and the derived date of death, compared with national death registration data from the NDI.

Validation of the MedicineInsight dataset: The accuracy of algorithms for identifying five serious health outcomes / adverse events in the MedicineInsight general practice database compared with hospital data and cause of death data in Australia

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This study will focus on validating five serious health outcomes in MedicineInsight, identified through consultation with the TGA as important potential adverse events requiring post-market monitoring and which are most likely to present to secondary care. We will compare the MedicineInsight algorithms for identifying myocardial infarction, stroke, venous thromboembolism, pancreatitis and suicide with information available in linked hospital admissions data and cause of death data from the death registry.

Influenza immunisation on reducing subsequent vascular disease

Organisation: The University of Sydney
Funding source: The University of Sydney

There is evidence suggesting influenza immunisation is an independent protective factor for developing cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease. This project aims to determine the impact influenza immunisation has on reducing subsequent transient ischaemic attack, stroke or acute myocardial infarction.

Herpes Zoster Immunisation on reducing subsequent vascular disease

Organisation: The University of Sydney
Funding source: The University of Sydney

There is evidence suggesting Herpes Zoster is an independent risk factor for developing cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease. The live herpes zoster vaccine has been shown to reduce the incidence and severity of herpes zoster. This project aims to determine the impact immunisation with the live Herpes Zoster vaccine has had on reducing subsequent transient ischaemic attack, stroke or acute myocardial infarction.

Impact of the 2019/20 bushfires on Australia’s health

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project will deliver a comparative analysis of the incidence and prevalence of physical and mental conditions before and after the 2019-20 bushfire period, and patient GP encounter rates with regard to conditions of interest (including heart attacks, stroke, asthma, COPD, URTI and other respiratory conditions, lung cancer, diabetes, septicaemia, fluid and electrolyte disorders, urinary tract infections, acute renal failure, anxiety, depression and PTSD). Analyses will be by age groups, gender, location, remoteness and socioeconomic status.

General Practice Insights Report

For the past three years, the General Practice Insights Reports (commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Health) have provided an overview of the care provided in general practice.

This year’s report looks at the deidentified data of around 2.9 million patients, to explore who they are, why they visit their GPs, and aspects of the clinical management they receive. As in previous years, it shows that chronic illnesses are commonly managed by GPs.

This year, for the first time, the report provides information on the patient prevalence of certain childhood illnesses, dementia and serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

We hope that these documents provide patients, GPs, policymakers and researchers with an accurate picture of the enormous amount of work undertaken in primary care.

Describing the epidemiology and management of eczema (atopic dermatitis) in general practice using MedicineInsight data

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Pfizer

NPS MedicineWise is preparing a longitudinal descriptive study investigating eczema in Australian general practice using MedicineInsight data.

Publication: Chidwick K, Busingye D, Pollack A, Osman R, Yoo J, Blogg S, Rubel D, Smith S. Prevalence, incidence and management of atopic dermatitis in Australian general practice using routinely collected data from MedicineInsight

Severe mental illness and health seeking behaviour

Organisation: University of New South Wales
Funding source: University of New South Wales

This research project aims to investigate pathways to preventive care for people with severe mental illness (PWSMI), and to identify any gaps in the management of physical health of PWSMI.

Identification of Frailty in an Australian general practice database using the electronic Frailty Index: an exploratory Study

Organisation: University of New South Wales
Funding source: University of New South Wales

This study aims to examine the feasibility of automatically calculating an electronic Frailty Index in general practice, overcome barriers to frailty screening and inform development of interventions to improve health outcomes in older patients.

Primary Health Network (PHN) Needs Assessment

Organisation: Curtin University
Funding source: Western Australia Primary Health Alliance

The population planning project, commissioned by the Western Australia Primary Health Alliance, aims to estimate the need, supply and cost of health services in Western Australia. MedicineInsight data usage looks at demand and utilisation of health services across general practices in the state, and identifies key priority areas and options for addressing population health needs. The results will help to identify potential areas for investment and development, and to design new services.

Does continuity of primary care reduce demand on emergency department presentations and hospital admissions?

Organisation: Curtin University
Funding source: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Grant

The primary aim of this project is to evaluate the influence of patterns of primary care contact on emergency departments visits and hospital admissions. MedicineInsight data is used for evaluating the role of primary care in improving health and preventing progression of disease and hospitalisation.

PublicationYouens, D, Moorin, R, Harrison, A, Varhol, R, Robinson, S, Brooks, C, and Boyd, J. Using general practice clinical information system data for research: the case in Australia.

Improving influenza and influenza like illness surveillance

Organisation: Department of Health and Human Services Victoria
Funding source: Department of Health and Human Services Victoria

This study is exploring whether MedicineInsight data can improve existing influenza sentinel surveillance systems on the community burden of disease during the influenza season and for ongoing surveillance throughout the year.

Epidemic thunderstorm asthma analysis in general practice setting

Organisation: Department of Health and Human Services Victoria
Funding source: Department of Health and Human Services Victoria

This study aims to describe the impact of past epidemic thunderstorm asthma events on the populations attending general practices. MedicineInsight data will be used to assess health care seeking behaviours and patient management, and input into epidemic thunderstorm asthma forecasting models. The data will also be used to assess the Thunderstorm Asthma Program that followed the epidemic thunderstorm asthma event in Victoria in November 2016.

Improving outcomes with better use of blood pressure and other cardiovascular medicines

Organisation: The George Institute for Global Health
Funding source: National Health and Medical Research Council

This project uses MedicineInsight data to identify opportunities to improve outcomes with better use of cardiovascular (CVD) medicines, including determining the potential for improving use of CVD preventive medicines in Australia.

Creating a Tasmanian Diabetes Atlas

Organisation: Primary Health Tasmania
Funding source: Primary Health Tasmania

The project uses MedicineInsight data to explore the pattern and distribution of diabetes in Tasmania with the aim of reducing the impact of diabetes, and improving the management of resources and the care provided to people affected by this health problem in Tasmania.

AusVaxSafety: national vaccine safety surveillance and signal detection

Organisation: National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS)
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project uses MedicineInsight data to monitor vaccine safety which is a key priority for the Australian Government. The results of the analysis will be incorporated to the government-funded active vaccines safety surveillance program (AusVaxSafety). The use of MedicineInsight data will support surveillance (pharmacovigilance), policy development and program implementation in the area of vaccine safety.

Publication: Totterdell J, Phillips A, Glover C, Chidwick K, Marsh J, Snelling T, Macartney K. Safety of live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine in adults 70–79 years: A self-controlled case series analysis using primary care data from Australia’s MedicineInsight program

Demonstrating capability of linking MedicineInsight with MBS/PBS data

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise 
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

The primary purpose of this project is to demonstrate the technical capability for de-identified MedicineInsight data to be linked successfully to MBS/PBS data.

It will explore data linkage methods/tools and identify a preferred technical solution conducting a proof of concept to demonstrate this capability. The project will outline privacy and data governance considerations, and mitigations/controls.

Study to describe the prevalence and characterisation of aortic stenosis in Australian general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Medtronic

This project is examining MedicineInsight data to provide preliminary understanding of prevalence of aortic stenosis in primary care and specific population characteristics, including those used to guide clinical management.

Project outcome report:
Feasibility study to describe the prevalence and characterisation of aortic stenosis in Australian general practice

nKPI reporting

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project will deliver a MedicineInsight report on existing national key performance indicators (nKPIs) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-indigenous people managed in mainstream MedicineInsight general practices.

Preventing obesity in childhood and adolescence: weight and height screening in Australian general practice

Organisation: University of Adelaide
Funding source: University of Adelaide

This project aims to research if children's and adolescents' weight and height are being measured during medical consultations in Australian general practices. MedicineInsight data provides an overview of the current situation in Australia that may allow improving clinical practice activities, and nutritional status in children and adolescents.

Cardiovascular disease in adults: primary and secondary prevention in Australian general practice

Influenza-like illness surveillance and influenza vaccine effectiveness estimation using NPS MedicineWise data: A pilot project

Using MedicineInsight data for surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunisation

Organisation: University of New South Wales
Funding source: University of New South Wales

This project will assess the potential of MedicineInsight data to detect clusters of Adverse Events Following Immunisation in Australia, to potentially ascertain the causality of the clusters and investigate other hypotheses related to vaccine safety.

General practice visits for infectious diseases in Australia

Organisation: University of New South Wales
Funding source: University of New South Wales

The primary aim of this project is to estimate the impact of infectious diseases in general practice settings, and the healthcare resource use and cost linked to these visits. MedicineInsight data is used to evaluate prevention strategies to implement and improve programs such as vaccination initiatives in Australia.

Meteorological conditions driving pollen movement and its impact on GP presentations forasthma and rhinitis.

Organisation: University of New South Wales
Funding source: University of New South Wales

This project aims to improve the understanding around the relationship between acute asthma and allergic rhinitis during various meteorological conditions in different regions of Australia and to determine if an early warning system could be developed.

Potential of MedicineInsight to evaluate the National Immunisation Program

Organisation: University of New South Wales
Funding source: University of New South Wales

This project will assess the potential for MedicineInsight to be used to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the National Immunisation Program, including the ability to monitor the burden of vaccine preventable diseases and the impact and effectiveness of vaccines such as influenza, pneumococcal and herpes zoster.

Publication: Lin J, Dobbins T, Wood JG, Hall JJ, Liu B. Impact of a structured older persons health assessment on herpes zoster vaccine uptake in Australian primary care.

PublicationLin J, Dobbins T, Wood JG, Bernardo C, Stocks NP, Liu B. Impact of a national immunisation program on herpes zoster incidence in Australia

Evaluation of vaccination coverage data for population subgroups

Organisation: University of New South Wales
Funding source: University of New South Wales

The primary aim of this project is to assess the suitability of using MedicineInsight data for providing vaccination coverage estimates in particular for subgroups for whom vaccines are funded under the National Immunisation Program. MedicineInsight data is used for estimating influenza vaccination coverage in medically at risk and elderly Australian adults.

Publication: Badmus D, Menzies R. Using general practice data to monitor influenza vaccination coverage in the medically at risk: a data linkage study. BMJ Open 2019;9:e031802

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevalence and management in people with type 2 diabetes in Australian general practice

Organisation: University of Melbourne
Funding source: University of Melbourne

This project uses MedicineInsight data to consider whether there are currently any gaps in the screening and recording of CKD and appropriate prescribing of antihyperglycaemic and cardiovascular medications in general practice and, if so, make recommendations for how these gaps can be addressed in order to optimise the care provided in general practice for this important population by developing interventions to reduce inappropriate prescribing in renal impairment and educating patients on self-management strategies to complement best practice management.

Publication: Manski-Nankervis J.-A., Thuraisingam S., Sluggett J.K., Kilov G., Furler J., O'Neal D., Jenkins A.Prescribing of diabetes medications to people with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease: A national cross-sectional study 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health ServicesBMC Family Practice, Volume 20, 2019.

Prescribing of diabetes medications in patients with type 2 diabetes and renal impairment in Australia

Organisation: University of Melbourne
Funding source: Boehringer Ingelheim/ Eli Lilly

This project uses MedicineInsight data to explore the issue of prescription of medicines for people with type 2 diabetes and renal impairment. The analysis of the data will show whether the non-insulin diabetes medications are appropriately prescribed in general practices in Australia.

Publication: Manski-Nankervis J, Thuraisingam S, Sluggett JK, Kilov G, Furler J, O’Neal D, Jenkins A. Prescribing of diabetes medications to people with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease: a national cross-sectional study

Unifying and quality assuring disparate GP datasets in MedicineInsight with a common data model

Organisation: UNSW
Funding source: Cash funding is from the NHMRC with some cash and in-kind contributions from partner organisations (NHMRC, UNSW, NPS MedicineWise, GP Synergy, Central & Eastern Sydney PHN and South West Sydney LHD).

The two key aims of this project are: i) to develop methodology and tools to enable application of and maintenance of the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership - Common Data Model (OMPO-CDM) in MedicineInsight, and ii) to increase robustness of methods and fitness-for-purpose of MedicineInsight data for use by stakeholders for a range of uses from general practice services to population health.

Clinical characterization of cancer and non-cancer pain patients on opioid treatment in primary care

Organisation: UNSW
Funding source: Cash funding is from the NHMRC with some cash and in-kind contributions from partner organisations (NHMRC, UNSW, NPS MedicineWise, GP Synergy, Central & Eastern Sydney PHN and South West Sydney LHD).

This study is an observational clinical characterisation study based on real-world data collected from primary care electronic health record (EHR), before and after being mapped to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM). The key objective of this study is to characterize opioid use in primary care, using quality-assured real-world Electronic Health Record data.

Trends in the mental health related presentations to General Practices, hospital inpatient admissions, and Emergency Department attendances among children and adolescents in Australia between 2012 and 2021

Organisation: UNSW
Funding source: Cash funding is from the NHMRC with some cash and in-kind contributions from partner organisations (NHMRC, UNSW, NPS MedicineWise, GP Synergy, Central & Eastern Sydney PHN and South West Sydney LHD).

This study is one of the use cases of the overarching project application titled ‘Unifying and quality assuring disparate GP datasets in MedicineInsight with a common data model’. The key objective of this study is to determine the trends in mental health related presentations in children and adolescents to general practices over the past 10 years (2012-21).

Publication: John JR, Khan JR, Lin P, Jonnagaddala J, Hu N, Belcher J, Liaw ST, Lingam R, Eapen V A nationwide study of COVID-19 impact on mental health-related presentations among children and adolescents to primary care practices in Australia

Investigating selected COVID-19 vaccine adverse events using MedicineInsight


NPS MedicineWise

Primary Investigator & Position

Sarah Ahmed, Epidemiologist

Funding Source

Australian Government Department of Health


This retrospective cross-sectional study describes the prevalence and management of selected adverse events from COVID-19 immunisation, as recorded in the MedicineInsight dataset, to inform continued monitoring and messaging around these adverse events. Findings will be used to inform the TGA (and other relevant parties) about the prevalence and management of selected adverse events within the primary care space. Comparison to pre-COVID-19 vaccine periods allow for confirmation of a signal for these adverse events, and outlining potential predictive factors related to these events enables appropriate management and messaging to health professionals and the public.

Ethics Committee

RACGP NREEC – MedicineInsight Ethics Approval

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 09 February 2022





Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia (AURA) – reporting on community antimicrobial use 2020– 2023


Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Primary Investigator & Position

Kathy Meleady

Funding Source

Australian Government Department of Health


The AURA Surveillance System reports on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and the volume and appropriateness of antimicrobial use (AU) in Australian hospitals, aged care homes and the community. Improving the appropriateness of antimicrobial prescribing in the community is a focus area for the Commission so as to improve antimicrobial prescribing and use and enhance safety and quality of care. The inclusion of NPS MedicineWise MedicineInsight data in these national reports helps to inform strategies to improve antimicrobial prescribing and use and support the prevention and containment of AMR. It adds to the comprehensive data from various sectors of human health in Australia. Describing patterns of antimicrobial prescribing over time is also a valuable strategy to more specifically target improved prescribing practices and as a result, health outcomes for the Australian population.

Ethics Committee

Report considered exempt from ethics review

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Conditional Approval – 13 April 2022





Epidemic intelligence for acute respiratory infections using a general practice database (Common Data Model)


University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Primary Investigator & Position

David Muscatello

Funding Source

Partnership Grant – NHMRC, UNSW, NPS MedicineWise, GP Synergy, Central & Eastern Sydney PHN and South West Sydney LHD


This project will examine how information from general practice (GP) information systems can be used to provide rapid intelligence on whether the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) is increasing, the impact of those infections on the healthcare system and the effectiveness of control measures such as vaccines. The MedicineInsight database will be used to look at daily or weekly trends in general practice data to determine whether the data can be used to provide early warning of increases in epidemic activity. To achieve this, data will be compared with more specific information on epidemic activity available from independent sources. The same information will be used to estimate the contribution of influenza and COVID-19 on GP services. Findings of this study will provide an insight into how GP information systems can contribute to the surveillance and control of acute respiratory infection epidemics and pandemic.

Ethics Committee


Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 13 April 2022






Improvement in population health

Improving Australian national diabetes estimates


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Primary Investigator & Position

Miriam Lum on, Unit Head, Cardiovascular Diabetes and Kidney Unit

Funding Source

Australian Government Department of Health


This research project aims to identify markers of diabetes status in patients within MedicineInsight using prescriptions for diabetes related medicines and use of health services used to specifically treat and manage diabetes. These markers will be used to identify people with diabetes in national administrative data collections (such as the NDSS, PBS and MBS) and improve the data available to regularly monitor the disease at the national level.

The objectives of the project will be to assess the performance of different algorithms to define diabetes status based on medicines and health services against a the diabetes cohort identified in MedicineInsight as the gold standard ‘accurate’ marker for diabetes, using statistical classification measures including sensitivity, positive predictive value and F1 score

Ethics Committee

AIHW Ethics Committee

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 8 April 2020





Epidemic intelligence for acute respiratory infections using a general practice database


UNSW Sydney, School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine

Primary Investigator & Position

David Muscatello, Associate Professor

Funding Source

This project is being funded by a partnership of NHMRC, UNSW, NPS MedicineWise, GP Synergy, Central & Eastern Sydney PHN and South West Sydney LHD. Most of the cash funding is from the NHMRC with some cash and in-kind contributions from partner organisations.


This project will examine how information from general practice (GP) information systems can be used to provide rapid intelligence on whether the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) is increasing, the impact of those infections on the healthcare system and the effectiveness of control measures such as vaccines. We will use the MedicineInsight database to look at daily or weekly trends in general practice data to determine whether the data can be used to provide early warning of increases in epidemic activity. To achieve this, these data will be compared with more specific information on epidemic activity available from independent sources. The same information will be used to estimate the contribution of influenza and COVID-19 on GP services. Other information from the database will be assessed for whether it can provide useful, ongoing assessment of the effectiveness of vaccines used to control influenza and COVID-19

Ethics Committee


Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 13 April 2022





Effectiveness of vaccines to prevent antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections in high risk adults

Project title

Effectiveness of vaccines to prevent antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections in high risk adults


School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New South Wales

Primary Investigator & Position

Bette Liu , Associate Professor

Funding Source

Wellcome Trust


This project will use MedicineInsight data to quantify the effectiveness of vaccines for common respiratory pathogens (influenza, pertussis, pneumococcal) against primary care presentations for acute respiratory tract infections, and antibiotic prescribing in older adults according to age and co-morbidities (asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The research will identify in what adult sub-groups vaccination would be most effective in reducing antibiotic prescribing and use this data to model the benefits of increasing vaccine uptake in these high risk adult groups on reductions in antibiotic use.

Ethics Committee

Human Research Ethics Advisory (HREA) Panel G: Health, Medical, Community, and Social. The University of New South Wales

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 8 April 2020





Wastewater Surveillance & MedicineInsight estimates of antibiotics used in the general community of Sydney


UNSW Sydney

Primary Investigator & Position

Mary-Louise McLaws, Professor Epidemiology, Healthcare Infection and Infectious Diseases Control

Funding Source



The MedicineInsight prescribing data by SA3 locators can be aggregated to match UNSW’s surveillance of 25 wastewater treatment plants to examine the difference between excrete antibiotics and prescription data.

Ethics Committee

UNSW Human Research Ethics

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Conditional Approval – 7 October 2020


Originally approved as a new Data Extract; Amended in June 2021 to allow the utilisation of existing UNSW Random Sample data extract from 2018



Establishing patterns of primary health care usage in cancer at end of life


University of Melbourne

Primary Investigator & Position

Jon Emery, Herman Chair of Primary Care Cancer Research

Funding Source

St Vincent’s Hospital Foundation/Royal Australian

College of General Practitioners


This project aims to explore primary care health service usage for cancer patients in the last six months of life using the VCCC linked dataset. Specific aims are:

• To quantify usage of primary care services in cancer in the last six months of life, at monthly time-points

• To identify patterns of care of primary care at the end of life, use of health services provision and medications

• To identify associations between usage of primary care services and clinical factors and indicators of quality end of life care (IQEOLC) including:

o Place of death

o Age, remoteness, socioeconomic group

o Cancer type

o Comorbidity burden

Ethics Committee

St. Vincent’s Hospital HREC

Data Linkage Study


Hospital admitted, emergency and non-admitted datasets (Royal Melbourne Hospital, Western Health)
AIHW National Death Index

Committee Assessment

Approved – 10 June 2020





A national risk-stratified melanoma screening program in Australia: a modelling study of the benefits, harms, cost-effectiveness and resource implications


University of Sydney

Primary Investigator & Position

Anne Cust, Principal Research Fellow and NHMRC Career Development Fellow Sydney School of Public Health

Funding Source

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) project grant APP1165936


Led by an experienced multidisciplinary team, this project will conduct a modelling study of the benefits, harms, cost-effectiveness and resource implications of a national risk-stratified melanoma screening program in Australia, using a Victorian patient cohort. Few modelling studies of melanoma screening have been conducted. Most were published over 10 years ago and are less relevant to contemporary diagnostic tools, stage at diagnosis, melanoma treatments and the Australian healthcare context.

Ethics Committee

Melbourne Health HREC

Data Linkage Study

Victorian hospital data (admitted, emergency, non-admitted) Clinical registry or population registry data where available AIHW National Death Index

Committee Assessment

Approved – 12 August 2020





Health system integration using data linkage


Curtin University, School of Public Health

Primary Investigator & Position

Suzanne Robinson, Research Associate

Funding Source

Western Australian Health Translation Network (WAHTN) [NHMRC’s MRFF grant]
Western Australian Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) [Industry partner]
Curtin University [Academic partner]


This study is a proof of concept which will integrate routinely collected general practice information with hospital data, both of which are integral to a patient’s complete medical record.

Clinical datasets from participating general practices, also referred to as primary care data, will be anonymously linked with secondary care data obtained from Western Australia’s public hospitals; with the aim of exploring patient management and service utilisation related to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes and heart failure.

The linked datasets will be assessed for their applicability to manage patients clinically and to identify patterns and trends within the system associated with Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations (certain hospital admissions that potentially could have been prevented by timely and adequate health care in the community1), which is in-line with Australia’s National health priorities.

Ethics Committee

Curtin University Ethics Committee

Data Linkage Study

1. WA Department of Health: Emergency Department Data Collection (from Jan 2010 – to latest available)
2. WA Department of Health: Hospital Morbidity Data Collection (from Jan 2010 – latest available)
3. WA Department of Health: Mortality Data – Coded fields (Australian Coordinating Registry) (from Jan 2010 – latest available)

Committee Assessment

Approved – 7 October 2020


Amended in June 2021 to include in the dataset patients in WA practices with no recorded postcode



Estimating background population rates of thromboses and other disorders to inform vaccine programs


School of Population Health UNSW

Primary Investigator & Position

Bette Liu, Associate Professor

Funding Source



This project aims to use the MedicineInsight data to estimate background rates of some conditions such as blood clots and other disorders in the population prior to the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines. The rates derived from the MedicineInsight data will then be compared to rates following COVID-19 vaccination estimated from other national and international data sources to determine if there is a potential excess of these events following COVID-19 vaccination.

Ethics Committee


Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – July 2021





STI testing and treatment in primary care


The Kirby Institute

Primary Investigator & Position

Tanya Applegate, Senior Lecturer, Surveillance and Evaluation Research Program

Funding Source

Blood Borne Viruses, Sexually Transmissible Infections, and Torres Strait Islander Health Policy Section,

Office of Health Protection,

Health Protection Policy Branch


Project aims:

[1] to assess patterns of STI treatment focussing on gonorrhoea, chlamydia, Mycoplasma genitalium and syphilis, compared to Australian STI management guidelines, and factors associated with non-adherence to guidelines;

[2] to assess patterns of STI testing focussing on completeness of testing in priority populations including patients diagnosed with STIs, young people, pregnant women, people on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and people living with HIV;

[3] to assess additional clinic visits, tests, PBS and non-PBS prescriptions for STIs due to adherence to Australian STI management guidelines;

[4] to assess the utility of the data for public health surveillance

Ethics Committee

UNSW Human Research Ethics Committee

Data Linkage Study


Committee Assessment

Approved – 9 June 2021. Amendment conditionally approved 10 August 2022


Amended to expand the study period, include ART in treatment field, assess patterns of Hepatitis B testing in pregnant women, and assess STI testing among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people




Other projects

Health economics and epidemiology of myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome

Organisation: University of Tasmania
Funding source: Medical Research Future Fund

This study will estimate the prevalence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in Australian primary care patients. The only data on prevalence for Australia, was published in 1998 and was based on a population in regional New South Wales, using broad diagnostic criteria that are no longer valid.

Developing data linkage capability within the MedicineInsight dataset

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: NPS MedicineWise

This project will demonstrate whether it’s possible to create unified data linkage keys across MedicineInsight records. It will explore linkage methods/tools, particularly the use of ‘bloom filters’ which are emerging as the preferred technical solution for record linkage to MBS/PBS and other national datasets.

Comparison of free-text in reason for encounter fields in GP electronic health records with SNOMED CT terms

Organisation: Telethon Kids Institute
Funding Source: Telethon Kids Institute

This is a clinical improvement pilot study comparing two processes for medical coding of GP free text. The Telethon Kids Institute will be using both manual and automatic methods to code to an internationally recognised clinical healthcare classification (SNOMED CT).

Quality investigation into MedicineInsight data: improving interpretation of MedicineInsight data

Organisation: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project aims to understand and make other users aware of the uses and limitations of MedicineInsight data; and to collaboratively work on an enduring document that will provide researchers, general practitioners and policy makers with information to help them make the best use of MedicineInsight data to facilitate improved health outcomes in Australia.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data evaluation project

Organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Funding source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare is using a sample of MedicineInsight data to evaluate the feasibility of the MedicineInsight data to support and inform national level reporting in primary care in Australia.

Linkage of the MedicineInsight general practice data set with the Victorian Linkage Map (VLM)

Organisation: Centre for Victorian Data Linkage
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This feasibility assessment is looking at the potential of linking MedicineInsight data to the Victorian Linkage Map.

It will explore data linkage methods/tools and identify a preferred technical solution conducting a proof of concept to demonstrate this capability. The project will outline privacy and data governance considerations, and mitigations/controls.

Evaluation of the Health Care Homes program

Organisation: Health Policy Analysis
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

Health Care Homes (HCH) is a new model of primary care where practices receive a periodic bundled payment to provide ongoing chronic disease-related care to patients. MedicineInsight data will be used to support the evaluation of HCH by the independent evaluators. Data from consenting general practices participating in HCH will be shared with the evaluators, as well as de-identified data from non-participating general practices for the purpose of defining a comparator cohort.

Enriching MedicineInsight data with social determinants of health

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: NPS MedicineWise

This project aims to enrich MedicineInsight data with social research data which would provide holistic consumer behaviours and views, and enable the delivery of more targeted public health campaigns to a more specific audience. The first phase of this project which has been approved is assessing the technical feasibility and utility of enriching MedicineInsight data with social research data.

MedicineInsight report on general practice activity in Australia 2015–2016

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Australian Government Department of Health

This project uses MedicineInsight data to generate a report describing patient’s management including number of encounters and prescriptions for common conditions such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and depression. The representative of MedicineInsight data is compared with other data sources such as Australian Medical Publishing Company, General Practice Workforce Statistics, MBS statistics, among other national data sources.

Diagnosed conditions for prescribing tiotropium

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: Boehringer Ingelheim

This project used MedicineInsight data to generate a report showing evidence on diagnosed conditions for prescribing tiotropium (a PBS-listed medicine). The report will be submitted by the funder, as the sponsor of the medicine, to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) to provide evidence- based information about the medicine to support PBAC decision making.

Feasibility of MedicineInsight data to support clinical trials in Australian general practice

Organisation: NPS MedicineWise
Funding source: MTPConnect

This project is testing the feasibility of using MedicineInsight data to setting up clinical trial sites in Australia and identifying potential patients to be recruited into clinical trials.

Effective Quality Incentive Payments in General Practice (EQuIP-GP)

Organisation: University of Wollongong
Funding source: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

The EQUiP-GP study investigates the impact of an alternate, outcomes based funding model that provides incentives linked to the continuous quality improvement of primary care provision by general practitioners. MedicineInsight data from consenting practices participating in the study will be analysed for pre- and post-intervention measures by a collaborative project team from University of Wollongong, University of Tasmania and Monash University.